Ramadan Calendar 2013 Hamburg Germany Iftar Times
The Ramadan schedule for Hamburg Germany is in the time table below. You will find Iftar, Imsak as well as the prayer times for the whole month of Ramadan. Iftar times corresponds to Maghrib times. Imsak times correspond to Fajr.
Breaking of fast should take place as soon as possible after Maghrib Azan. Browse the site for prayers to be said prior to breaking fast.
Please share address of this site with others. This Ramadan calendar timetable will be kept for the whole of Ramadan. Bookmark this site and come back whenever you want to access the Ramadan timetable for Iftar (Maghrib), Imsak (Suhur, Sehri) and prayers.
Ramadan Kareem Mubarak.
Day | Ramadan | Gregorian | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Wed | 1 | 10/7 | 2:49 | 5:03 | 1:26 | 5:50 | 9:47 | 11:49 |
Thu | 2 | 11/7 | 2:49 | 5:04 | 1:26 | 5:50 | 9:46 | 11:48 |
Fri | 3 | 12/7 | 2:50 | 5:05 | 1:26 | 5:49 | 9:46 | 11:48 |
Sat | 4 | 13/7 | 2:50 | 5:06 | 1:26 | 5:49 | 9:45 | 11:48 |
Sun | 5 | 14/7 | 2:51 | 5:08 | 1:26 | 5:49 | 9:43 | 11:47 |
Mon | 6 | 15/7 | 2:52 | 5:09 | 1:27 | 5:48 | 9:42 | 11:47 |
Tue | 7 | 16/7 | 2:52 | 5:10 | 1:27 | 5:48 | 9:41 | 11:46 |
Wed | 8 | 17/7 | 2:53 | 5:12 | 1:27 | 5:48 | 9:40 | 11:46 |
Thu | 9 | 18/7 | 2:53 | 5:13 | 1:27 | 5:47 | 9:39 | 11:45 |
Fri | 10 | 19/7 | 2:54 | 5:14 | 1:27 | 5:47 | 9:37 | 11:45 |
Sat | 11 | 20/7 | 2:54 | 5:16 | 1:27 | 5:46 | 9:36 | 11:44 |
Sun | 12 | 21/7 | 2:55 | 5:17 | 1:27 | 5:46 | 9:35 | 11:44 |
Mon | 13 | 22/7 | 2:56 | 5:19 | 1:27 | 5:45 | 9:33 | 11:43 |
Tue | 14 | 23/7 | 2:56 | 5:20 | 1:27 | 5:45 | 9:32 | 11:42 |
Wed | 15 | 24/7 | 2:57 | 5:22 | 1:27 | 5:44 | 9:30 | 11:42 |
Thu | 16 | 25/7 | 2:57 | 5:23 | 1:27 | 5:44 | 9:29 | 11:41 |
Fri | 17 | 26/7 | 2:58 | 5:25 | 1:27 | 5:43 | 9:27 | 11:40 |
Sat | 18 | 27/7 | 2:59 | 5:26 | 1:27 | 5:43 | 9:26 | 11:40 |
Sun | 19 | 28/7 | 2:59 | 5:28 | 1:27 | 5:42 | 9:24 | 11:39 |
Mon | 20 | 29/7 | 3:00 | 5:30 | 1:27 | 5:41 | 9:22 | 11:38 |
Tue | 21 | 30/7 | 3:00 | 5:31 | 1:27 | 5:40 | 9:20 | 11:37 |
Wed | 22 | 31/7 | 3:01 | 5:33 | 1:27 | 5:40 | 9:19 | 11:37 |
Thu | 23 | 1/8 | 3:02 | 5:35 | 1:27 | 5:39 | 9:17 | 11:36 |
Fri | 24 | 2/8 | 3:02 | 5:36 | 1:27 | 5:38 | 9:15 | 11:35 |
Sat | 25 | 3/8 | 3:03 | 5:38 | 1:27 | 5:37 | 9:13 | 11:34 |
Sun | 26 | 4/8 | 3:03 | 5:40 | 1:27 | 5:36 | 9:11 | 11:33 |
Mon | 27 | 5/8 | 3:04 | 5:41 | 1:26 | 5:36 | 9:10 | 11:32 |
Tue | 28 | 6/8 | 3:05 | 5:43 | 1:26 | 5:35 | 9:08 | 11:31 |
Wed | 29 | 7/8 | 3:05 | 5:45 | 1:26 | 5:34 | 9:06 | 11:30 |
Note 1: Fajr means both Fajr Athan (Azan) and Imsak (starting fast) and Maghrib means both Maghrib Athan (Azan) and Iftar (breaking fast). Note 2: Ramadan starting date is according to Makkah.
at the Ramadan Blog!
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How to Fast Healthily During Ramadan
What to Avoid During Ramadan
Dates | Beneficial Things to Eat During Ramadan
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