Iftar times in Boston MA Massachusetts
The Iftar times in Boston MA Massachusetts are shown in the time table below. Today is August 26, 2009. You will find Iftar, Imsak as well as the prayer times for the whole month of ramadan. Iftar times corresponds to maghrib times. Imsak times correspond to Fajr.
If you know of Mosques in Boston area offering Iftar during ramadan, please leave the information in the comments area, and/or email the information to us. Thank you.
Please share address of this site with others. Ramadan calendar timetable will be kept for the whole of Ramadan. Bookmark this site and come back whenever you want to access the ramadan timetable for iftar (maghrib), imsak (suhur, sehri) and prayers.
Ramadan Kareem Mubarak.
If you know of Mosques in Boston area offering Iftar during ramadan, please leave the information in the comments area, and/or email the information to us. Thank you.
Please share address of this site with others. Ramadan calendar timetable will be kept for the whole of Ramadan. Bookmark this site and come back whenever you want to access the ramadan timetable for iftar (maghrib), imsak (suhur, sehri) and prayers.
Ramadan Kareem Mubarak.
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